My Mentors

I would like to acknowledge the people and friends that have provided instruction and inspiration for my painting adventures.

Dorothy Starbuck – Dorothy is an artist that I follow and admire. I recently took one of her classes. My challenge was that I was learning to use oil instead of acrylic. Her instruction gave me the push I needed to get over the technical hump of using oil paints. Great instructor. I will attend more of her workshops in the future

Joan Vienot – Joan teaches Plein Air painting. I had an opportunity to take one of her classes. Very worthwhile. Also, Joan is very helpful and willing to assist emerging artists find their path. Thanks Joan.

Tony Barr – I had the pleasure of working for Mr. Barr for many years. He has a very unique perspective on life. It is so true, that the people you surround yourself with in many ways shape you and impact the path of your life.

Barbara Flowers – I had the opportunity to meet Barbara when she juried the A+Art Top of the Class show. Since I was the Chair of the group, I had quite a bit of time alone with her discussing art. She gave me many helpful suggestions – Painting is a different language than drawing – start your painting with large shapes of color instead of drawing the thing you are painting. She also gave me the idea to get a roll of canvas and paint, paint, paint. Using canvas without being stretched gives me the ability to paint and then store the paintings easily. No more concern about finishing to perfection due to the idea that I must hang the painting somewhere or they are taking up space. She is a wonderful artist who was willing to give of her time and knowledge. My painting has taken on a new attitude! Thank you Barbara.

Daniel Edmondson – I was on his email “free” tip list, which for a newbie painter is extremely helpful.  One tip that is particularly helpful to me is “Think More, Paint Less”. I then took his class via CD. It was through this class that I realized that YES I CAN paint. Thanks Dan for all of your encouragement.  Oh, his classes are for oil, but I use acrylic, sometimes I had to let my painting dry some before continuing.

Will Kemp -invaluable information about mixing colors and color theory – He has many tutorials on YouTube. When I find the time, I plan on taking one of Will’s classes.

Karrie Evenson – If you are looking for fast fun with color, lots of paint and big brushes she is your girl. I found Karrie’s videos on youtube, but she also has online workshops available on her website. Her youtube videos are where I got my start in painting. She makes it so easy with her “no worries, just have fun” attitude.

Women’s Art Network, Walton County Florida – The woman of WAN are Fabulous! We meet once a month for a cover dish dinner. Each lady brings a couple pieces of art to show and tell. I have learned so much and been inspired to learn and try new techniques. I have also made some very good friends. Thanks to Suzanne LeLoup West for bringing me into the group.


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